Curious about the first step of our concept services?
Before any lines can begin to be drawn, the project architect needs to do their due diligence. Due diligence involves reviewing many different sources of data about the property and any existing conditions on the property.
1) Online Due Diligence
Typically this starts by reviewing everything available online on platforms such as the Global Information System (GIS) and Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). These platforms will help answer questions regarding Utilities, Setbacks, Watersheds, Flood Zones, Property Topography, Property Buffers, Historical Overlays, Future Land Use Plan, Zoning, Neighborhood Overlays, etc. All of these items could significantly impact what is feasible on your property and need to be reviewed to ensure that what is designed will actually be allowed by the local jurisdiction during permitting.
2) Existing Documentation Due Diligence
After all of the public information is reviewed, the architect will then dig into any existing documentation you may have on your property. This could be any existing blue prints, permits, inspection reports, environmental assessments, surveys, perk tests, etc. Any material you have on your property can be valuable in helping to complete our due diligence on the site. If some of this is not available, we may need to order them as we progress throughout the concept and full architecture phases.
3) Site + Property Due Diligence
Finally, after all of the material has been reviewed, it is time to visit the site at your project kick-off. At that meeting, the architect will conduct a thorough inspection of the property to identify any potential issues or concerns. This inspection will include an examination of the building’s structure, foundation, and exterior. The architect will also look for any signs of water damage, mold, or other problems if there is an existing structure. They will also review the site and assess the actual topology, drainage, property lines, etc.
4) Due Diligence + Feasibility Report
As a final deliverable of all of this due diligence, the project architect will prepare a comprehensive due diligence report that includes all of the findings from the first three steps listed above. This report will help guide the concept design and be available for you to refer to for any future needs. The report will also include a summary regarding the feasibility of your desired project. It will outline multiple different approaches that are feasible to meet your project needs, wants and overall goals.
Would this be helpful for your project? We would enjoy the chance to learn more about what you are trying to accomplish and find way to help make it a reality.
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